

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Is Facebook Against Privacy?

A social networking site(SNs) has strongly established itself as one of the most recognized online activities. Internet users are rapidly boosting the integration of social networking into their daily web activities. In a study performed by PEW Internet Project and American Life Project, they found that 87 percent of teenagers aged twelve to seventeen have some level of Internet access (Lenhart, Madden, Hitlin, 2005).

(Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg)
Source: robertbykowski.com)

Today, the trend is changing. parents are becoming increasingly worried about their daughters being addicted to social networking sites, most notably Facebook. In this sense, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg told the media recently that the world has changed that its become more public and less private,and that the new controversial of new default and permanent settings indicate how the site today violated people's privacy
( Kirkpatrick,2010).

Privacy setting has switched their function to make those updates publicly visible to everyone. That become the new default. Does it against people privacy by forcing them to make public some of their information all the time?

In November 2009, an activists group called Control Your Info (CYI) claimed credit for taking control of 289 Facebook group to expose how vulnerable shows the vulnerabilities of social media, especially identity tampering ('Control Your Info activists hijack Facebook group, 2009). In recognition, this could lead to spammers using a Facebook account and identity to express ideas and opinions that are not the users. This is such of identity theft and violation of privacy.

Nissenbaum (1998) describes privacy as contextual integrity. Contextual integrity is sustained when norms of appropriateness and norms of distribution are respected. Privacy is a basic human right and should be respected no matter what which it seems less on Facebook.

In my opinion, Facebook is seems like a feature, not a virus. The truth is that Facebook benefits when it conducts the privacy practices of its users. It needs to set a strong privacy architecture to survive as one of most notable social networking sites.

In a large group, even a small percentage affected could mean thousands of people.Millions of people are exploited monthly, thanks to criminals turning a trusted source against them (Ragan, 2009).

I agree that social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter were designed to keep people in touch and build a huge network relationship, but sometimes people claim that their details are become more public and their privacy has been violated. For instance, a teacher feel uncomfortable when she found out that her student was spending hours everyday looking at her profile photos (Peterson, 2009).

Key Google researchers in a recent paper (Davis, 2009) have warned of privacy issues on social networks. These include unwelcome linkage, less control of activity, streams and making a profile of a person by comparing his activity on all his friend network pages.

I believe that social networking groups are crucial medium that people use, but they are not aware of their right of privacy and security. Therefore I agree with google researchers in their suggestion that users should be allowed to remove events and activity streams, and that application creators must also be held responsible to inform the user of the details of any program which is being run on their pages and also always protect user's privacy.


Adelaide Now,2009, 'Control Your Info' activists hijack Facebook groups, adelaidenow.com, viewed 7 June 2010,

Davis,L 2009, Google Warns of Privacy Issues on the Social Web, readwriteweb.com, viewed 7 June 2010, <

Kirkpatrick, M 2010, Why Facebook is Wrong: Privacy is Still Important, readwriteweb.com,
viewed 7 June 2010, <

Lenhart,A.,Madden,M. & Hitlin,P 2005, Teens and Technology: Youth Are Leading the Transition to a Fully Wired and Mobile Nation, PEW Internet and American Life Project, viewed 7 June 2010, <

Nissenbaum, H 1998, "Protecting Privacy in an Information Age: The Problem of Privacy in Public", Law and Philosphy, vol.17,pp.559-596, viewed 7 June 2010,
< abstract="139144">

Peterson, C 2009, Saving Face: The Privacy Architecture of Facebook, University of Massachusetts, Amberst, Spring, viewed 7 June 2010,
< http://etc.cpeterson.org/documents/2009/savingface.pdf>

Ragan, S 2009, FUD:Facebook groups were not hacked and no one is at risk, The Tech Herald,
viewed 7 June 2010, < http://www.thetechherald.com/article.php/200946/4766/FUD-Facebook-groups-were-not-hacked-and-no-one-is-at-risk#ixzz0XN2CUBMv>